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Remodeling Begins!

Posted on Tue, Jan 29, 2008

We have begun to remodel the inside of the church! Please pray for all our laborers. God Bless them all!

   Discussion: Remodeling Begins!
Rhiyan (anon) · 11 years, 2 months ago
I have frozen hip on the right side, I was not able to lay my leg flat while knepieg my back on the table. I could feel the pulling along the top of my thigh when I attempted to make it relax, and it actually caused pain at one point- so I stopped.. I'd say it was a big ole fail on that side, on the left side it's not nearly as bad but I think it still raises a little unfortunately I'm not agile enough to try and climb up onto the kitchen table (and I'd be afraid to break it as I'm pretty heavy)Doctors have told me the frozen hip resulted from a knee injury I was told to use crutches for, and since I already had the DDD, herniated lumbar spine and sciatica, the whole shot worked together to make my hip seize up. I've had decompression surgery (failed) and I now walk with a cane at 33. My balance is shot and I apparently carry 60 pounds more on my left than on my right. I'm sure I suffer from a lot of things and wouldn't be surprised if this is one of them
Batu (anon) · 11 years, 2 months ago
OOOWWEE!!! Left side went down good, but cannot keep my back flat! Right side,<a href=""> tgergerid</a> the hot wires down the outside of my leg & a spasm in the right glute. Again, back would not stay flat! I'll watch the next test, but may wait until tomorrow to try.On the sway I was 13 when my sister-in-law, a phys-ed major realized about it, talked to my parents. When theu showed no concern, sis gave me several exercises to work on it, so when the neurologist saw it in January, it was probably no worse than when I was a kid. He wants me in PT I also have sciatica, a year now & fall down a lot never so badly I need to see a doctor immediately besides, a doctor told me several years ago that I'm a hypochondriac! What do you know about myasthenia gravis?
Katrina (anon) · 11 years, 1 month ago
Although I have to say, honestly and sadly: parts of that area do have a post-apocalyptic look about them these days. Fifty or sixty years ago (when I was a child), it was a nice mdldie-class neighborhood. vuvpfziv [link=]xkwwfeq[/link]

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